Source code for ase_notebook.configuration

"""A module for creating visualisations of a structure."""
from collections import Iterable, Mapping
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import attr
from attr.validators import deep_iterable, in_, instance_of, optional

from .attr_doc import autodoc
from .color import Color

[docs]def iterable_length(length): """Validate that an attribute is an iterable of a certain length.""" # noqa: D202 def _validate(self, attribute, value): if not isinstance(value, Iterable) or len(value) != 2: raise TypeError( f"'{}' must be an iterable of length {length} " f"(got {value!r} that is a {value.__class__!r}).", attribute, Iterable, value, ) return _validate
[docs]def in_range(minimum=None, maximum=None, inclusive_min=True): """Validate that an attribute value is a number >= 0.""" # noqa: D202 def _validate(self, attribute, value): raise_error = False if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise_error = True elif minimum is not None and ( (inclusive_min and value < minimum) or (not inclusive_min and value <= minimum) ): raise_error = True elif maximum is not None and value > maximum: raise_error = True if raise_error: raise TypeError( f"'{}' must be a number in range [{minimum},{maximum}] " f"(got {value!r} that is a {value.__class__!r}).", attribute, (int, float), value, ) return _validate
[docs]def is_html_color(self, attribute, value): """Validate that an attribute value is a valid HTML color.""" try: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError Color(value) except Exception: raise TypeError( f"'{}' must be a valid hex color (got {value!r} that is a " f"{value.__class__!r}).", attribute, str, value, )
[docs]@autodoc @attr.s(slots=True) class MillerPlane: """A data class to define a Miller Plane to visualise.""" h: float = attr.ib(default=0, validator=instance_of((float, int))) k: float = attr.ib(default=0, validator=instance_of((float, int))) l: float = attr.ib(default=0, validator=instance_of((float, int))) fill_color: str = attr.ib(default="red", validator=is_html_color) stroke_color: str = attr.ib(default="red", validator=is_html_color) stroke_width: float = attr.ib(default=1.0, validator=in_range(0)) fill_opacity: float = attr.ib(default=0.5, validator=in_range(0, 1)) stroke_opacity: float = attr.ib(default=0.9, validator=in_range(0, 1))
[docs] @h.validator def _validate_h(self, attribute, value): if not any([self.h, self.k, self.l]): raise ValueError("at least one of h, k, l must be non-zero")
[docs] @k.validator def _validate_k(self, attribute, value): if not any([self.h, self.k, self.l]): raise ValueError("at least one of h, k, l must be non-zero")
[docs] @l.validator def _validate_l(self, attribute, value): if not any([self.h, self.k, self.l]): raise ValueError("at least one of h, k, l must be non-zero")
[docs]def convert_to_miller_dicts(iterable): """Convert items in a list to MillerPlane validated dictionaries.""" output = [] for miller in iterable: if isinstance(miller, MillerPlane): pass elif isinstance(miller, Mapping): miller = MillerPlane(**miller) else: miller = MillerPlane(*miller) output.append(attr.asdict(miller)) return tuple(output)
[docs]@autodoc @attr.s(kw_only=True) class ViewConfig: """Configuration settings for initialisation of atom visualisations.""" rotations: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=instance_of(str), metadata={ "help": ( "Initial unit cell rotation in string format, " "e.g. '50x,-10y,120z' (note: order matters)" ) }, ) element_colors: str = attr.ib( default="ase", validator=in_(("ase", "vesta")), metadata={ "help": "Element to color mapping to use, if ``atom_color_by='element'``." }, ) element_radii: str = attr.ib( default="ase", validator=in_(("ase", "vesta")), metadata={"help": "Element to color mapping to use."}, ) radii_scale: float = attr.ib( default=0.89, validator=in_range(0), metadata={"help": "Scale all radii by this value."}, ) atom_show_label: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": "Add atom labels to visualisation."}, ) atom_label_by: str = attr.ib( default="element", validator=in_(("element", "index", "tag", "magmom", "charge", "array")), metadata={"help": "Atom property to label atoms by."}, ) atom_label_array: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=instance_of(str), metadata={ "help": "The array name to use, if ``array`` chosen for ``atom_label_by``" }, ) atom_font_size: int = attr.ib( default=14, validator=[instance_of(int), in_range(1)], metadata={"help": "Font size for atom labels."}, ) atom_font_color: str = attr.ib( default="black", validator=is_html_color, metadata={"help": "Font size for atom labels."}, ) atom_stroke_width: float = attr.ib( default=1.0, validator=in_range(0), metadata={"help": "line width for atom outlines."}, ) atom_stroke_opacity: float = attr.ib( default=0.95, validator=in_range(0, 1), metadata={"help": "line opacity for atom outlines."}, ) atom_color_by: str = attr.ib( default="element", validator=in_( ( "element", "index", "tag", "magmom", "charge", "velocity", "color_array", "value_array", ) ), metadata={"help": "Atom property to color atoms by."}, ) atom_color_array: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=instance_of(str), metadata={ "help": "The array name to use, if ``array`` chosen for ``atom_color_by``" }, ) atom_colormap: str = attr.ib( default="jet", validator=instance_of(str), metadata={ "help": "The matplotlib colormap to use with ``atom_color_by`` values" }, ) atom_colormap_range: Union[list, tuple] = attr.ib( default=(None, None), validator=instance_of((list, tuple)), metadata={ "help": "The matplotlib colormap normalisation use with ``atom_color_by`` values" }, ) atom_lighten_by_depth: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, validator=in_range(0), metadata={ "help": ( "Fraction by which to lighten atom colors, " "based on their fractional distance along the line, " "from the maximum to minimum z-coordinate of all elements" ) }, ) atom_opacity: float = attr.ib( default=0.95, validator=in_range(0, 1), metadata={"help": ""} ) force_vector_scale: float = attr.ib( default=1.0, validator=in_range(0), metadata={"help": "Length of force vector arrows."}, ) velocity_vector_scale: float = attr.ib( default=1.0, validator=in_range(0), metadata={"help": "Length of velocity vector arrows."}, ) ghost_stroke_width: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, validator=in_range(0), metadata={"help": ""} ) ghost_lighten: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, validator=in_range(0), metadata={"help": "Lighten the ghost atom colors by this fraction."}, ) ghost_opacity: float = attr.ib( default=0.4, validator=in_range(0, 1), metadata={"help": ""} ) ghost_stroke_opacity: float = attr.ib( default=0.4, validator=in_range(0, 1), metadata={"help": ""} ) ghost_show_label: bool = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": ""} ) ghost_cross_out: bool = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": ""} ) show_unit_cell: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": ""} ) show_uc_repeats: Union[bool, list] = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of((bool, list, tuple)), metadata={ "help": "If True, and the atoms have been repeated, show each unit cell of the original atoms." }, ) uc_dash_pattern: Union[None, Tuple[float, float]] = attr.ib( default=None, metadata={"help": "A (length, gap) dash pattern for unit cell lines."}, ) uc_color: str = attr.ib( default="black", validator=is_html_color, metadata={"help": "Unit cell line color."}, ) show_bonds: bool = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": "Show atomic bonds."}, ) bond_radii_scale: float = attr.ib( default=1.5, validator=in_range(0.0, inclusive_min=False), metadata={ "help": "Factor to scale atomic radii by, when computing bonds (via overlapping radii)" }, ) bond_array_name: Optional[str] = attr.ib( default=None, validator=optional(instance_of(str)), metadata={ "help": ( "The name of a boolean array on the Atoms, " "specifying which atoms that bonds should be drawn for " "(if None, then all bonds are drawn)." ) }, ) bond_pairs_filter: Optional[list] = attr.ib( default=None, metadata={ "help": ( "A list of bond element pairs to filter by, " "e.g. [('Fe', 'O'), ('Fe', 'Fe')]." ) }, ) bond_opacity: float = attr.ib( default=0.8, validator=in_range(0, 1), metadata={"help": "Opacity of atomic bond lines."}, ) bond_color_by: str = attr.ib( default="atoms", validator=in_(("atoms", "length")), metadata={ "help": "How to color bond: 'atoms' (same as connecting atoms) or 'length'." }, ) bond_colormap: str = attr.ib( default="jet", validator=instance_of(str), metadata={ "help": ("The matplotlib colormap to use with ``bond_color_by='length'``") }, ) bond_colormap_range: Union[list, tuple] = attr.ib( default=(None, None), validator=deep_iterable( optional(instance_of((int, float))), iterable_length(2) ), metadata={ "help": ( "The matplotlib colormap normalisation to use with " "``bond_color_by='length'``" ) }, ) show_miller_planes: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": ""} ) miller_planes: Tuple[dict] = attr.ib( default=(), converter=convert_to_miller_dicts, validator=instance_of(tuple), metadata={ "help": "List of dictionaries, describing miller index planes to create." }, ) miller_as_lines: bool = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={ "help": "If True, the miller planes will be created as lines, rather than polygons." }, ) show_axes: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={ "help": ("Show the 'world' axes, " "at a corner of the visualisation.") }, ) axes_uc: bool = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={ "help": ( "Show the 'unit cell' axes (abc), instead of the 'world' axes (XYZ)" ) }, ) axes_length: float = attr.ib( default=15, validator=in_range(0, inclusive_min=False), metadata={"help": "Length of axes lines."}, ) axes_font_size: int = attr.ib( default=14, validator=[instance_of(int), in_range(1)], metadata={"help": ""} ) axes_line_color: str = attr.ib( default="black", validator=is_html_color, metadata={"help": ""} ) axes_offset: Tuple[float, float] = attr.ib( default=(20, 20), validator=deep_iterable(instance_of((int, float)), iterable_length(2)), metadata={"help": "Offset of axis origin from the bottom left of the canvas"}, ) canvas_size: Tuple[float, float] = attr.ib( default=(400, 400), validator=deep_iterable(in_range(1), iterable_length(2)), metadata={"help": ""}, ) canvas_color_foreground: str = attr.ib( default="#000000", validator=is_html_color, metadata={"help": ""} ) canvas_color_background: str = attr.ib( default="#ffffff", validator=is_html_color, metadata={"help": ""} ) canvas_background_opacity: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, validator=in_range(0, 1), metadata={"help": ""} ) canvas_crop: Union[list, tuple, None] = attr.ib( default=None, metadata={"help": "Crop canvas: (left, right, top, bottom)"} ) zoom: float = attr.ib( default=1.0, validator=in_range(0, inclusive_min=False), metadata={"help": "3D camera zoom."}, ) camera_fov: float = attr.ib( default=10.0, validator=in_range(1), metadata={"help": "3D camera field-of-view."}, ) gui_swap_mouse: bool = attr.ib( default=False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": "Used with ``make_gui`` only."}, )
[docs] @uc_dash_pattern.validator def _validate_uc_dash_pattern(self, attribute, value): """Validate uc_dash_pattern is of form (solid, gap).""" if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) or len(value) != 2: raise TypeError( f"'{}' must be of the form (line_length, gap_length)." ) if value[0] <= 0 or value[1] <= 0: raise TypeError( f"'{}' (line_length, gap_length) must have positive lengths." )
[docs] @bond_pairs_filter.validator def _bond_pairs_filter(self, attribute, value): """Validate `bond_pairs_filter` attribute.""" if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f"'{}' must be a list or tuple.") for i, item in enumerate(value): try: assert ( len(item) == 2 and isinstance(item[0], str) and isinstance(item[1], str) ) except (AssertionError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError( f"'{}' item {i} must be a pair of strings." )
[docs] @canvas_crop.validator def _validate_canvas_crop(self, attribute, value): """Validate crop is of form (left, right, top, bottom).""" if value is None: return if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) or len(value) != 4: raise TypeError( f"'{}' must be of the form (left, right, top, bottom)." )
def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Add attr conversion and validation when setting attributes.""" x_attr = getattr(attr.fields(self.__class__), key) # type: attr.Attribute if x_attr.converter: value = x_attr.converter(value) if x_attr.validator: x_attr.validator(self, x_attr, value) super().__setattr__(key, value)