Source code for ase_notebook.backend.gui

"""A module for visualising structures.

The module subclasses ase (v3.18.0) classes, to add additional functionality.
from time import time
import tkinter
from tkinter.font import Font

from import atomic_numbers
from import covalent_radii as default_covalent_radii
from ase.gui import ui
from ase.gui.gui import GUI
from ase.gui.images import Images
from ase.gui.view import GREEN, PURPLE, View
import attr
import numpy as np

from ase_notebook.atom_info import create_info_lines
from ase_notebook.color import lighten_webcolor
from ase_notebook.draw_utils import initialise_element_groups

[docs]class AtomImages(Images): """A subclass of the ase ``Images``, but with additional functionality, for setting radii.""" def __init__(self, atoms_list, element_radii=None, radii_scale=0.89): """Initialise the atom images. Parameters ---------- atoms_list : list[ase.Atoms] element_radii : list[float] radii for each atomic number (default to ase covalent) radii_scale : float scale all atomic_radii """ if element_radii: self.covalent_radii = np.array(element_radii, dtype=float) else: self.covalent_radii = default_covalent_radii.copy() # In the base class, self.config is set, but it is only used for radii scale # self.config = get_default_settings() # self.atom_scale = self.config["radii_scale"] self.atom_scale = radii_scale self.initialize(atoms_list)
[docs]class AtomGui(GUI): """A subclass of the ase ``GUI``, but with additional functionality.""" def __init__(self, config, images=None, element_colors=None): """Initialise the GUI. Parameters ---------- config: ViewConfig initial configuration settings images : ase.gui.images.Images list of ase.Atoms, with some settings for visualisations (mainly radii) element_colors: list[tuple] hex colour for each atomic number (defaults to 'jmol' scheme) """ if not isinstance(images, Images): images = Images(images) self.images = images self.observers = [] self.config = attr.asdict(config) # aliases required by ui.ASEGUIWindow self.config["gui_foreground_color"] = self.config["canvas_color_foreground"] self.config["gui_background_color"] = self.config["canvas_color_background"] self.config["swap_mouse"] = self.config["gui_swap_mouse"] menu = self.get_menu_data() self.window = ui.ASEGUIWindow( close=self.exit, menu=menu, config=self.config, scroll=self.scroll, scroll_event=self.scroll_event,, move=self.move, release=self.release, resize=self.resize, ) # used by ``View.update_labels`` label_sites = {"index": 1, "magmom": 2, "element": 3, "charge": 4}.get( self.config["atom_label_by"], 0 ) if not self.config["atom_show_label"]: label_sites = 0 self.window["show-labels"] = label_sites View.__init__(self, self.config["rotations"]) if element_colors: self.colors = dict(enumerate(element_colors)) self.subprocesses = [] # list of external processes self.movie_window = None self.vulnerable_windows = [] self.simulation = {} # Used by modules on Calculate menu. self.module_state = {} # Used by modules to store their state. self.arrowkey_mode = self.ARROWKEY_SCAN self.move_atoms_mask = None self.set_frame(len(self.images) - 1, focus=True) # Used to move the structure with the mouse self.prev_pos = None self.last_scroll_time = self.t0 = time() self.orig_scale = self.scale self.xy = None if len(self.images) > 1:
[docs] def release(self, event): """Handle release event.""" # fix an error raised in GUI class if self.xy is None: self.xy = (event.x, event.y) super().release(event)
[docs] def move(self, event): """Handle move event.""" # fix an error raised in GUI class if self.xy is None: self.xy = (event.x, event.y) super().move(event)
[docs] def showing_millers(self): """Return whether to display planes.""" return self.config["show_miller_planes"]
[docs] def set_atoms(self, atoms): """Set the atoms, unit cell(s) and bonds to draw. This is overridden from ``View``, in order to - set bond colors, specific to the atom types at each end of the bond. - use a modified ``get_cell_coordinates`` function, which returns cartesian coordinates, rather than fractional (since they were just converted to cartesian anyway) and can create multiple cells (for each repeat) - compute miller index planes, by points that intercept with the unit cell """ elements = initialise_element_groups( atoms, atom_radii=self.get_covalent_radii(), show_unit_cell=self.showing_cell(), uc_dash_pattern=self.config["uc_dash_pattern"], show_bonds=self.showing_bonds(), bond_supercell=self.images.repeat, miller_planes=self.config["miller_planes"] if self.showing_millers() else None, miller_planes_as_lines=self.config["miller_as_lines"], ) self.elements = elements # record all positions (atoms first) with legacy array name, for use by View.focus self.X = elements.get_all_coordinates() # record atom positions with legacy array name, used by View.move self.X_pos = self.elements["atoms"]._positions.copy()
[docs] def draw(self, status=True): """Draw all required objects on the canvas. This is overridden from ``View``, in order to: - set bond colors, specific to the atom types at each end of the bond. - add a cross to 'ghost' atoms (specified by an array on the atoms) - add a dash pattern to the unit cell lines - allow miller index planes to be drawn """ self.window.clear() # compute orientation, position and scale of axes axes = self.scale * self.axes * (1, -1, 1) offset =, axes) offset[:2] -= 0.5 * self.window.size element_groups = self.elements element_groups.update_positions( axes, offset, radii_scale=self.scale * 0.65 if self.window["toggle-show-bonds"] else self.scale, ) # required by View.release self.P = element_groups["atoms"].unstack_positions()[:, :2].round().astype(int) self.indices = np.array([i for i, _ in element_groups.yield_zorder()]) if "ghost" in self.atoms.arrays: ghost_atoms = self.atoms.get_array("ghost") else: ghost_atoms = [False for _ in self.atoms] self.update_labels() # set self.labels for atoms # TODO use occuapancy keys for label, if showing symbol atom_colors = self.get_colors() if self.config["atom_lighten_by_depth"]: z_positions = element_groups["atoms"].get_max_zposition() zmin, zmax = z_positions.min(), z_positions.max() new_atom_colors = [] for atom_color, z_position in zip(atom_colors, z_positions): atom_depth = (zmax - z_position) / (zmax - zmin) atom_color = lighten_webcolor( atom_color, atom_depth * self.config["atom_lighten_by_depth"] ) new_atom_colors.append(atom_color) atom_colors = new_atom_colors celldisp = ( (,)), axes)).round().astype(int) ) vector_arrays = [] if self.window["toggle-show-velocities"]: # Scale ugly? vector = self.atoms.get_velocities() if vector is not None: vector_arrays.append(vector * 10.0 * self.velocity_vector_scale) if self.window["toggle-show-forces"]: f = self.get_forces() vector_arrays.append(f * self.force_vector_scale) for array in vector_arrays: array[:] = ( (, axes) + element_groups["atoms"].unstack_positions()) .round() .astype(int) ) element_groups["atoms"].set_property_many( { "lbound": ( element_groups["atoms"].unstack_positions()[:, :2] - element_groups["atoms"].scaled_radii[:, None] ) .round() .astype(int), "color": atom_colors, "label": [ None if g and not self.config["ghost_show_label"] else l for l, g in zip( self.labels or [None for _ in ghost_atoms], ghost_atoms ) ], "tag": self.atoms.get_tags(), "ghost": ghost_atoms, "selected": self.images.selected, "visible": self.images.visible, "constrained": ~self.images.get_dynamic(self.atoms), "moving": [m if self.moving else False for m in self.move_atoms_mask] if self.move_atoms_mask is not None else [False for _ in self.atoms], "occupancy": [["occupancy"][t] if "occupancy" in else None for t in self.atoms.get_tags() ], "stroke_width": [ self.config["ghost_stroke_width"] if g else self.config["atom_stroke_width"] for g in ghost_atoms ], }, element=True, ) element_groups["atoms"].set_property_many( { "font_size": self.config["atom_font_size"], "font_color": self.config["atom_font_color"], }, element=False, ) element_groups["cell_lines"].set_property_many( {"color": self.config["uc_color"]}, element=False ) element_groups["bond_lines"].set_property( "color", [ (atom_colors[i], atom_colors[j]) for i, j in element_groups["bond_lines"].get_elements_property( "atom_index" ) ], element=True, ) element_groups["bond_lines"].set_property_many( {"stroke_width": self.scale * 0.15}, element=False ) for miller_type in ["miller_lines", "miller_planes"]: element_groups[miller_type].set_property_many( { "fill_color": [ self.config["miller_planes"][i].get("fill_color", "blue") for i in element_groups[miller_type].get_elements_property( "index" ) ], "stroke_color": [ self.config["miller_planes"][i].get("stroke_color", "blue") for i in element_groups[miller_type].get_elements_property( "index" ) ], "stroke_width": [ self.config["miller_planes"][i].get("stroke_width", 1) for i in element_groups[miller_type].get_elements_property( "index" ) ], }, element=True, ) if self.arrowkey_mode == self.ARROWKEY_MOVE: movecolor = GREEN elif self.arrowkey_mode == self.ARROWKEY_ROTATE: movecolor = PURPLE else: movecolor = None draw_elements( element_groups, canvas=self.window.canvas, celldisp=celldisp, vector_arrays=vector_arrays, movecolor=movecolor, scale=self.scale, element_colors=self.colors, ghost_cross_out=self.config["ghost_cross_out"], background_color=self.config["gui_background_color"], ) if self.window["toggle-show-axes"]: draw_axes( self.window.canvas, self.axes, self.window.size, length=self.config["axes_length"], font_size=self.config["axes_font_size"], line_color=self.config["axes_line_color"], ) if len(self.images) > 1: self.draw_frame_number() self.window.update() if status: num_atoms = len(self.atoms) indices = np.arange(num_atoms)[self.images.selected[:num_atoms]] ordered_indices = [i for i in self.images.selected_ordered if i < num_atoms] status_lines = create_info_lines(self.atoms, indices, ordered_indices) self.window.update_status_line(" " + "; ".join(status_lines))
[docs]def draw_arrow(canvas, coords, width, scale): """Draw an arrow element.""" begin = np.array((coords[0], coords[1])) end = np.array((coords[2], coords[3])) canvas.create_line(*tuple(int(x) for x in coords), width) vec = end - begin length = np.sqrt((vec[:2] ** 2).sum()) length = min(length, 0.3 * scale) angle = np.arctan2(end[1] - begin[1], end[0] - begin[0]) + np.pi x1 = (end[0] + length * np.cos(angle - 0.3)).round().astype(int) y1 = (end[1] + length * np.sin(angle - 0.3)).round().astype(int) x2 = (end[0] + length * np.cos(angle + 0.3)).round().astype(int) y2 = (end[1] + length * np.sin(angle + 0.3)).round().astype(int) canvas.create_line(x1, y1, int(end[0]), int(end[1]), width) canvas.create_line(x2, y2, int(end[0]), int(end[1]), width)
[docs]def draw_circle(lbound, diameter, canvas, color, selected, tags=(), stroke_width=1): """Draw a circle element, given a lower bound and diameter.""" if selected: outline = "#004500" width = stroke_width * 3 else: outline = "black" width = stroke_width bbox = (lbound[0], lbound[1], lbound[0] + diameter, lbound[1] + diameter) canvas.create_oval( *tuple(int(x) for x in bbox), fill=color, outline=outline, width=width, tags=tags, )
[docs]def draw_arc(lbound, diameter, canvas, color, selected, start, extent): """Draw an arc element.""" if selected: outline = "#004500" width = 3 else: outline = "black" width = 1 bbox = (lbound[0], lbound[1], lbound[0] + diameter, lbound[1] + diameter) canvas.create_arc( *tuple(int(x) for x in bbox), start=start, extent=extent, fill=color, outline=outline, width=width, )
[docs]def draw_axes( canvas, axes, window_size, *, length=15, line_color="black", line_width=1, font_size=14, ): """Draw the axes element.""" rgb = ["red", "green", "blue"] for i in axes[:, 2].argsort(): a = 20 b = window_size[1] - 20 c = int(axes[i][0] * length + a) d = int(-axes[i][1] * length + b) canvas.create_line( *tuple(int(x) for x in (a, b, c, d)), width=line_width, fill=line_color ) canvas.create_text( (c, d), text="XYZ"[i], fill=rgb[i], font=Font(size=20), anchor=tkinter.CENTER, )
[docs]def draw_elements( element_groups, canvas, celldisp, vector_arrays, scale, element_colors, ghost_cross_out=False, movecolor=None, background_color="#ffffff", ): """Draw elements on a ``tkinter.Canvas``. Parameters ---------- element_groups : ase_notebook.draw_elements.DrawGroup canvas : tkinter.Canvas celldisp : numpy.array cell displacement vector_arrays : list scale : float canvas scale (used for drawing vector arrows) element_colors : dict mapping of element colors (used for partial occupancies) ghost_cross_out : bool whether to cross out ghost atoms movecolor : str or None color for moving atom background_color : str or None color used for coloring partial atom occupancies """ for idx, element in element_groups.yield_zorder(): if == "atoms": if not element.visible: continue diameter = int(round(element.sradius * 2)) if element.occupancy is not None: # first draw an empty circle if a site is not fully occupied if (np.sum([o for o in element.occupancy.values()])) < 1.0: draw_circle( element.lbound, diameter, canvas, background_color, element.selected, stroke_width=element.stroke_width, ) start = 0 # start with the dominant species for sym, occ in sorted( element.occupancy.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True ): if np.round(occ, decimals=4) == 1.0: draw_circle( element.lbound, diameter, canvas, element_colors[atomic_numbers[sym]], element.selected, stroke_width=element.stroke_width, tags=("atom-circle",), ) else: # TODO alter for ghost extent = 360.0 * occ draw_arc( element.lbound, diameter, canvas, element_colors[atomic_numbers[sym]], element.selected, start, extent, ) start += extent else: if element.moving: draw_circle( (element.lbound[0] - 4, element.lbound[1] - 4), diameter + 8, canvas, movecolor, False, ) draw_circle( element.lbound, diameter, canvas, element.color, element.selected, stroke_width=element.stroke_width, tags=("atom-circle",), ) if element.label is not None: canvas.create_text( ( element.lbound[0] + diameter / 2, element.lbound[1] + diameter / 2, ), text=str(element.label), fill=element.font_color, font=Font(size=element.font_size), anchor=tkinter.CENTER, ) # Draw cross on constrained or ghost atoms if element.constrained or (element.ghost and ghost_cross_out): rad1 = int(0.14644 * diameter) rad2 = int(0.85355 * diameter) canvas.create_line( element.lbound[0] + rad1, element.lbound[1] + rad1, element.lbound[0] + rad2, element.lbound[1] + rad2, width=1, ) canvas.create_line( element.lbound[0] + rad2, element.lbound[1] + rad1, element.lbound[0] + rad1, element.lbound[1] + rad2, width=1, ) # Draw velocities and/or forces # TODO vector data should be added to element for vector in vector_arrays: assert not np.isnan(vector).any() draw_arrow( canvas( element.position[0], element.position[1], vector[idx, 0], vector[idx, 1], ), width=2, scale=scale, ) if == "cell_lines": canvas.create_line( ( element.position[0, 0] + celldisp[0], element.position[0, 1] + celldisp[1], element.position[1, 0] + celldisp[0], element.position[1, 1] + celldisp[1], ), fill=element.color, width=1, # dash=(6, 4), # dash pattern = (line length, gap length, ..) tags=("cell-line",), ) if == "bond_lines": canvas.create_line( ( element.position[0, 0], element.position[0, 1], element.position[0, 0] + 0.5 * (element.position[1, 0] - element.position[0, 0]), element.position[0, 1] + 0.5 * (element.position[1, 1] - element.position[0, 1]), ), width=element.stroke_width, fill=element.color[0], tags=("bond-line",), ) canvas.create_line( ( element.position[0, 0] + 0.5 * (element.position[1, 0] - element.position[0, 0]), element.position[0, 1] + 0.5 * (element.position[1, 1] - element.position[0, 1]), element.position[1, 0], element.position[1, 1], ), width=element.stroke_width, fill=element.color[1], tags=("bond-line",), ) if == "miller_lines": canvas.create_line( ( element.position[0, 0] + celldisp[0], element.position[0, 1] + celldisp[1], element.position[1, 0] + celldisp[0], element.position[1, 1] + celldisp[1], ), width=element.stroke_width, fill=element.stroke_color, tags=("miller-line",), ) if == "miller_planes": plane_pts = [ pt[i] + celldisp[i] for pt in element.position.round().astype(int) for i in [0, 1] ] canvas.create_polygon( plane_pts, width=element.stroke_width, outline=element.stroke_color, fill=element.fill_color, tags=("miller-plane",), )