Source code for ase_notebook.atoms_convert

"""Module for serializing ``ase.Atoms``."""
# TODO very recent versions of ase.Atoms have `todict` and `fromdict` methods, ands
# see: and
import datetime
import json

import ase
from ase.constraints import dict2constraint
import numpy as np

[docs]class ASEEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSON Encoder for ase.Atoms serialization."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): """Parse object.""" if hasattr(obj, "todict"): d = obj.todict() if not isinstance(d, dict): raise RuntimeError( f"todict() of {obj} returned object of type {type(d)} " "but should have returned dict" ) if hasattr(obj, "ase_objtype"): d["__ase_objtype__"] = obj.ase_objtype return d if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): flatobj = obj.ravel() if np.iscomplexobj(obj): flatobj.dtype = obj.real.dtype return {"__ndarray__": (obj.shape, str(obj.dtype), flatobj.tolist())} if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return {"__datetime__": obj.isoformat()} if isinstance(obj, complex): return {"__complex__": (obj.real, obj.imag)} return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]def create_ndarray(shape, dtype, data): """Create ndarray from shape, dtype and flattened data.""" array = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) flatbuf = array.ravel() if np.iscomplexobj(array): flatbuf.dtype = array.real.dtype flatbuf[:] = data return array
[docs]def try_int(obj): """Try conversion of object to int.""" try: return int(obj) except ValueError: return obj
[docs]def numpyfy(obj): """Convert an object to numpy array(s) recursively.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): if "__complex_ndarray__" in obj: r, i = (np.array(x) for x in obj["__complex_ndarray__"]) return r + i * 1j return {try_int(key): numpyfy(value) for key, value in obj.items()} if isinstance(obj, list) and len(obj) > 0: try: a = np.array(obj) except ValueError: pass else: if a.dtype in [bool, int, float] or str(a.dtype).startswith("<U"): return a obj = [numpyfy(value) for value in obj] return obj
[docs]def ase_decoder_hook(dct): """JSON decoder hook for ase.Atoms de-serialization.""" if "__datetime__" in dct: return datetime.datetime.strptime(dct["__datetime__"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") if "__complex__" in dct: return complex(*dct["__complex__"]) if "__ndarray__" in dct: return create_ndarray(*dct["__ndarray__"]) # No longer used (only here for backwards compatibility): if "__complex_ndarray__" in dct: r, i = (np.array(x) for x in dct["__complex_ndarray__"]) return r + i * 1j if "__ase_objtype__" in dct: objtype = dct.pop("__ase_objtype__") dct = numpyfy(dct) if objtype == "cell": from ase.cell import Cell pbc = dct.pop("pbc", None) obj = Cell(**dct) if pbc is not None: obj._pbc = pbc else: raise RuntimeError( "Do not know how to decode object type {} " "into an actual object".format(objtype) ) assert obj.ase_objtype == objtype return obj return dct
[docs]def serialize_atoms(atoms: ase.Atoms, description: str = "") -> str: """Serialize an ase.Atoms instance to a dictionary.""" dct = { "description": description, "cell": atoms.cell, "arrays": atoms.arrays, "info":, "constraints": atoms.constraints, "celldisp": atoms.get_celldisp(), "calculator": atoms.calc, } return ASEEncoder().encode(dct)
[docs]def deserialize_atoms(json_string: str) -> ase.Atoms: """Deserialize a JSON string to an ase.Atoms instance.""" data = json.JSONDecoder(object_hook=ase_decoder_hook).decode(json_string) atoms = ase.Atoms() atoms.cell = data["cell"] atoms.arrays = numpyfy(data["arrays"]) = data["info"] atoms.constraints = [dict2constraint(d) for d in data["constraints"]] atoms.set_celldisp(data["celldisp"]) # TODO ase.calculators.calculator.Calculator has a todict method, # but not clear how to convert it back return atoms
[docs]def convert_to_atoms(obj): """Attempt to convert an object to an ase.Atoms object.""" if isinstance(obj, ase.Atoms): return obj if isinstance(obj, str): return deserialize_atoms(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict): return deserialize_atoms(json.loads(obj)) if hasattr(obj, "lattice") and hasattr(obj, "sites"): # we assume the obj is a pymatgen Structure # from adaptor if not obj.is_ordered: raise ValueError("ASE Atoms only supports ordered Pymatgen structures") symbols = [str(site.specie.symbol) for site in obj] positions = [site.coords for site in obj] cell = obj.lattice.matrix # TODO test if slab, then use pbc = [True, True, False] atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions, pbc=True, cell=cell) # additionally, propagate site properties for key, array in obj.site_properties.items(): if key not in atoms.arrays: atoms.set_array(key, np.array(array)) # TODO propagate partial occupancies, and other properties return atoms raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert object of type {obj.__class__.__name__}")