Source code for ase_notebook.atom_info

"""Module for creating a information string of atomic sites."""
from math import acos, pi, sqrt

from import atomic_names
from import chemical_symbols
from ase.gui.i18n import _
from ase.gui.utils import get_magmoms
import numpy as np

[docs]def create_formula(atomic_numbers): """Create a formula from a list of atomic numbers.""" an_count = {} for z in atomic_numbers: an_count.setdefault(z, 1) an_count[z] += 1 strings = [] for z in sorted(an_count.keys()): strings.append( chemical_symbols[z] + ("" if an_count[z] == 1 else str(an_count[z])) ) return "".join(strings)
[docs]def create_info_lines(atoms, indices, ordered_indices=None): """Create a string of information about the selected atom(s). Return ------ list[str] """ ordered_indices = ordered_indices or indices num_selected = len(indices) if num_selected == 0: return [] a_nums = atoms.numbers[indices] symbols = [chemical_symbols[z] for z in a_nums] positions = atoms.positions[indices] if num_selected == 1: x, y, z = positions[0] name = atomic_names[a_nums[0]] text = [ f"#{indices[0]} {name} ({symbols[0]})", f"({x:.3f}, {y:.3f}, {z:.3f}) Å", _(f"tag={atoms.get_tags()[indices[0]]}"), ] magmoms = get_magmoms(atoms) if magmoms.any(): text.append(_(f"mom={magmoms[indices][0]:1.2f}")) charges = atoms.get_initial_charges() if charges.any(): text.append(_(f"q={charges[indices][0]:1.2f}")) known_arrays = [ "numbers", "positions", "forces", "momenta", "initial_charges", "initial_magmoms", ] for key in atoms.arrays: if key not in known_arrays: val = atoms.get_array(key)[indices[0]] if val is not None: try: text.append("{0}={1:g}".format(key, val)) except ValueError: text.append("{0}={1}".format(key, val)) return text if num_selected == 2: dist = np.linalg.norm(positions[0] - positions[1]) return [f"Bond Distance {symbols[0]}-{symbols[0]}: {dist:.3f} Å"] if num_selected == 3: distances = [] for c in range(3): vector = positions[c] - positions[(c + 1) % 3] distances.append(, vector)) angles = [] for c in range(3): t1 = 0.5 * (distances[c] + distances[(c + 1) % 3] - distances[(c + 2) % 3]) t2 = sqrt(distances[c] * distances[(c + 1) % 3]) try: t3 = acos(t1 / t2) except ValueError: if t1 > 0: t3 = 0 else: t3 = pi angles.append(t3 * 180 / pi) return ["Valence Angle %s-%s-%s: %.1f°, %.1f°, %.1f°" % tuple(symbols + angles)] if len(ordered_indices) == 4: angle = atoms.get_dihedral(*ordered_indices, mic=True) return [ "%s %s%s%s%s: %.1f°" % tuple([_("Dihedral")] + symbols + [angle]) ] return [f"Formula: {create_formula(a_nums)}"]